October 1, 2018 | Career Advice
Writing a thank-you note after an interview has become a commonly utilized best practice for candidates, so it is no longer enough to make you stand out just by sending one at all. However, a high-quality thank-you note can put you in a league of your own, compared to many candidates who opt for an […]
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September 13, 2018 | Employee Relations
Perception plays a major role in career advancement. Fair or not, your appearance can shape how others think of you in a professional sense. Dressing for the job you want, not necessarily the job you have, can help to change others’ perceptions of you and allow them to see you in that position. Start dressing […]
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May 22, 2018 | Career Advice, Recruiting & Employment
When you’re searching for a new job, it’s important to keep your professional value in mind, and ensure any position you consider will pay you a fair wage, according to your skills, responsibilities, and overall market value. While it’s acceptable to negotiate salary as an overall practice, if you don’t do it correctly, you may […]
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May 1, 2018 | Career Advice, Recruiting & Employment
Phone interviews may not feel as official or formal as a face-to-face interview, which can make candidates mistakenly take too laid back of an approach. Hiring managers use phone interviews as a preliminary screening tool, so you could knock yourself out of the running if you treat it as a casual chat instead of an […]
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June 6, 2017 | News/Events
We’re proud to announce that on Monday, June 12, we will open our Middletown location! We’re excited to expand our presence in Orange County. This office is in a great location, right off of the I-84 and Route 17 interchange! Interviews are already being scheduled in this location so call to make an appointment today! […]
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August 16, 2016 | Recruiting & Employment
The job search process is a tough one. While much of it can be unpredictable and a matter of timing or other circumstances, you have more control than you may think. Approach your job search tactics as experiments, meaning that you should pay close attention to your methods and the outcomes to determine what works […]
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April 11, 2016 | Recruiting & Employment, Training & Development
A common business principle is the 80/20 rule: that 80 percent of sales are made by the top 20 percent of your salespeople. Although sales talent can be hard to find, it will pay off significantly for your bottom line. Don’t let top talent slip through your fingers – follow these steps when hiring your […]
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February 26, 2016 | Recruiting & Employment
Effective leadership relies on building a foundation of knowledge and wisdom, but this can’t occur if talking happens disproportionately to listening. While employees likely look to learn from what you have to say, it can result in a lack of listening on your end. Follow these best practices to include active listening into your leadership […]
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